Event handler hooks

event handler functions:


This function is called at scripting engine startup. In default configuration (sample.ss) we first set some global variables for more comfortable work later on. After that, you can put your own initialization stuff (opening file for packet logging, creating connection to database, or anything else that needs to be called once at session start.


is called on sniffer shutdown. Use it to clean up things done in on_initialize (close files, etc).


This function is called after the sniffer engine is initialized, but right before actual sniffing starts.


Function is called whenever packet capture engine acquires new packet from the device it's listening to. Do not put some heavy processing here, as this function is called in real time. Intended use is to filter out unwanted packets, so that you have only desired material for later post-processing.


this function is called whenever buffered packet needs to be processed. Common use would be to log packets to file or database, or any other post-processing.